safety guidelines

These are our updated COVID-related policies. Be sure to read our “regular” policies & FAQ!

  • No walk-ins allowed at this time. Appointments only.

  • Please arrive for your appointment alone unless you require a companion for mobility or communication. If you do not come alone, we cannot honor your appointment. Please arrange for childcare prior to your appointment. 

  • There are no cancellation fees for rescheduling or cancelling due to being sick; however, our regular cancellation policy is still in effect.

  • Please reschedule your appointment if you have recently traveled by air or public transport in the last 14 days.

  • Please reschedule if you or anyone in your household have been in contact with anyone ill or showing symptoms of illness in the last 14 days.

  • Please reschedule if you or anyone in your household is ill or awaiting results of any Covid-19 testing.

  • Please "pre-screen" yourself 24 hours before your appointment, ensuring you have no symptoms of illness and your temperature is below 100.4 degrees. By entering Hair Love Salon you are agreeing that you have done so.

  • If you have any symptoms or have a fever, please call to reschedule.

  • Please be on time. Due to scheduling restrictions and disinfecting protocols, we may have to reschedule your appointment if you are late.

  • Masks, snug-fitting, with ear loops, are to be worn to enter the salon and be worn at all times when inside. We may get color on your mask. If you have any health or moral issues that do not allow you to wear a mask, we ask that you book during a later phase/date.

  • You will be asked screening questions and your temperature will be taken when you enter the salon. Your temperature must be below 100.4 degrees to receive service.

  • If you come in showing ANY signs of being sick, even if it is "just allergies," we will kindly ask you to leave and reschedule for a later date.

  • No outside food or beverages at this time. We also will not be serving food or beverages. You may bring a bottle of water if necessary. Please limit belongings you bring into the salon to your phone and wallet. Please leave as much as possible in your vehicle or at home.

  • There have been small increases to our service prices as our cost of business has risen and our capacity has diminished. 

  • Our staff is following the latest protocols and regulations for sanitation and disinfection. We will be disinfecting and cleaning out tools, implements and work stations between each client. We will be wearing a mask at all times while in the salon and changing them frequently. 

  • We will be disinfecting all high traffic areas including the restroom frequently. As our work areas are more than 6 feet apart, partitions are not necessary. 

  • Our staff will be answering their own health questionnaire before coming to work each morning.

Thank you.